GCSE French

More Perfect Tense with Être

Use the correct part of the verb être with the following verbs.
To remember them, learn the first letter of each word:

monter - to go up - monté(e)(s)
rester - to stay - resté(e)(s)
sortir - to leave - sorti(e)(s)

venir - to come - venu(e)(s)
aller - to go - allé(e)(s)
naître - to be born - (e)(s)

descendre - to go down - descendu(e)(s)
entrer - to enter / go in - entré(e)(s)

tomber - to fall - tombé(e)(s)
retourner - to return - retourné(e)(s)
arriver - to arrive - arrivé(e)(s)
mourir - to die - mort(e)(s)
partir - to leave - parti(e)(s)

Mnenomic MRS VAN DE TRAMP will help you remember! Examples:

je suis parti (here masculine) = I left
il est allé = he went
elle est arrivée = she arrived
Es-tu entré? = Did you go in?
Ils sont retournés = They returned
On est sortis = We went out
Je suis allée (here feminine) = I went

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