GCSE German

Dative Case

The dative case is the indirect object of the sentence. i.e. the person/thing to whom something is being given/shown/explained etc.


** Note that when a plural noun is in the dative case, it adds an -n or an -en.

Here are some good examples:
Ich gebe meinem Vater ein Buch. (I am giving a book to my father)
Er zeigt den Schülern ein Foto. (He showed (to) the pupils a photo)

The dative case is also used after the following prepositions:

ausout, out ofnachafter
beiwith, at the house ofseitsince

and after these prepositions when there is no movement from A to B:

anon (vertical surface)überabove, over
aufon (horizontal surface)unterunder
hinterbehindvorin front of, before
nebennext to

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